Welcome to My Video & Audio Works!
This is the home for my most recent video and audio works! Please feel free to take a look around!
My DGST 101 Video Project - How to create the perfect social event for the public.
My video was created with Apple iMovie and uploaded with YouTube Studio.
My Accompanying DGST 101 Audio Project with my Video Project
My audio was created with Soundtrap.com.
I was honored to have my audio project from my DGST 101 course be displayed on the University of Mary Washington’s Digital Knowledge Center website for audio projects. Therefore, I would like to extend my gratitude to my DGST 101 professor, Mr. Berge, for teaching me all that I know in video and audio creation!
You can view my audio project on the DKC’s website by clicking here!
Follow along with my audio's transcript below!
Summer Koontz: Welcome! My name is Summer Koontz and today we’re diving into the art of creating a successful social event for the public. So, let’s explore the key concepts to making your event unforgettable with some advice from the department of Culpeper Parks and Recreation.
[Crowd chatter]
Summer Koontz: A successful event starts with a solid plan. Culpeper Parks and Recreation’s, Tabitha Riley, is here to help as she is currently prepping for this year’s Moonlight Halloween Candy Hunt.
Tabitha Riley: So in preparation of an event like the Moonlight Halloween Candy Hunt, involves coming up with the idea, and then it’s laying out the logistics and timeline of the event. So starting with what date we’re going to do it on and what time, and then backing up from there as far as when do we need to have vendors, when do we need to have supplies available, scheduling staff and then actually the timeline of the event. But a lot of this is also just volunteer vendors, they come in and they wanna participate and be part of the community.
Summer Koontz: For this event and many others, Culpeper Parks & Recreation’s director, Andrew Hardy, utilizes social media advertising to reach their audience.
Andrew Hardy: Our preferred model is actually utilizing Adobe Photoshop to make a variety of marketing materials. With those marketing materials, we put them on Facebook and other digital platforms to reach our target audience.
[Heavy machinery moving]
Summer Koontz: Having the right team to make the event come to life is crucial. The department plans logistics with the help of parks superintendent, Joe Koontz, and his team.
Joe Koontz: After attending the candy hunt event pre-meeting, I meet with my team the following day to go over how we’re going to set up the event, and handing out assignments for each thing that needs to be done.
[Children in crowd chattering]
Summer Koontz: With careful planning and execution, your social event can be a memorable success. Thanks for listening, and a special thank you to Culpeper Parks and Recreation’s team for joining me in this episode. Happy event planning!
Credits and attributions for both the audio and video of "Crafting the Perfect Event With Culpeper Parks & Recreation":
The minute details that helped develop the audio for my aforementioned video/audio projects.
Many of the key points of focus that were included in my video and audio projects listed above were distributed from the following resources:
- The Event Planning Guide from Henrico.gov and provided by Henrico Recreation & Parks gives extremely detailed, and further in-depth notes of all the elements that go into planning an event for the public.
- The Event Planning Steps, Tips & Checklist for planning your public event created by Projectmanager.com displays an easy to understand list and descriptions for everything needed to plan a successful event. This includes all the equipment needed from start to finish, different templates to use to stay organized throughout the process, how to gain volunteers, how to advertise effectively, etc.
Music and sound affect attributions:
Introduction music: “Jetsonmade – Racket (Piano) + (Clap)” from Soundtrap.com
Conclusion music: “Vocal – Dumb 6” from Soundtrap.com
Crowd chattering, heavy machinery and children in crowd chattering sound affects by Summer Koontz from IPhone’s Voice Memos Application