About Summer's Thoughts

How my website and portfolio, "Summer's Thoughts" came to life.

It's so nice to meet you!

My name is Summer Koontz, and I’m currently a sophomore Communications & Digital Studies student at the University of Mary Washington located in Fredericksburg, VA. However, I live and work an hour away in Culpeper, VA. I am employed at Culpeper County Parks & Recreation where I’ve been shadowing the Director and staff on the ins and outs of media management, marketing and advertising. When scrolling through my work, you’ll notice that many of my pieces stem from Parks & Recreation promotions.

I’ve learned many of my skills through my DGST101 and ARTS104 courses taken through UMW. Therefore, I wish to thank my two professors, Mr. Berge and Mr. Robinson, for teaching me everything that I know thus far to do with digital, photo, and video/audio editing – as well as the ability to build my own website! UMW’s Digital Knowledge Center has been overwhelmingly helpful as well, and I wish to extend my gratitude to their staff and student guides.

Specifically, my DGST101 professor, Mr. Berge, inspired “Summer’s Thoughts” as my main domain. Summer’s Thoughts is a home for my individualistic experiences and thoughts reflected through my digital identity by means of digital editing, photography and video/audio works. 

If you’re interested in connecting with me, please feel free to reach out via email: summerkoontz14@gmail.com. Of course, you can stay in touch with me and my work/projects through my Instagram and Facebook which can be accessed by clicking the icons located below.

Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon!

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